Category: Psychology of the Deal

  • Deal with the Micro Manager

    Deal with the Micro Manager

    A former CEO of mine was a micromanager. I knew this before I took the job as the company was a client for a couple of years. Socially, I like my boss and we’ve know each other for many years. I’d even call us friends. Given my interest in entrepreneurship, I have strong feelings against…

  • Retail KPI’s – the germination

    I’m developing a series of KPI’s for a retail operation. They own nine garden shed outlets and don’t currently track anything. It’s late and I’ve got a pile of notes, but I’ll document the process here. One of the key elements is avoid collecting useless data, and reward the collection of useful data that reinforces…

  • Trade Show Strategy

    I’m at a trade show in Cologne Germany. I’m questioning my trade show strategy. I race around all the halls and grab flyers or brochures only from stands that pique my interest. I then do some small talk, but really it’s just an introduction and “I’ll email once I get home and review your website”.…

  • Web stats, log analysis and web tracking

    I just got home from an interesting talk on corporate health management. More specifics on that later, but it matched with an email from a client. Doctors use numbers to measure our overall and specific health, businesses have KPI’s. Webmasters, eTailers and eCommerce practioners live and die by their stats. But it’s amazing how many…

  • Disney offers free ABC TV

    The threat of internet TV downloads is met head on by Disney the owner of ABC network and Pixar. ABC will be offering their prime-time TV shows like Lost and Desparate Housewives for download via their MyABC portal at launching in May. The Wall Street Journal has the story on the front page today.…

  • A Thousand Dollars

  • WealthEsteem Link Directory Launched

    I’ve launched a resources directory of links relevant to entrepreneurship, business and wealth creation. Pretty much the things I’m interested in blogging about. There is also a reciprocal link exchange program. The exciting part of it is you can add a link yourself. Please list your or friends business, people who provide business support services…

  • USP = Unique Selling Proposition

    I subscribe to the RSS feed at SpywareInfo SpywareInfo has a new(ish) feature, listing news headlines relevant to spyware, privacy and safely using the computer. Unfortunately they’re now covering all things internet, like Microsoft, Google fight Web bill. The problem is it dilutes their USP – Unique Selling Proposition. That’s the thing they do better…

  • Authentic creativity vs deliberate merchandising

    Seth Godin blogs in I don’t feel like playing tonight about authenicity in product lifecycles. Specifically about Gene Roddenberry… Reading an auction catalog tonight, I just discovered that Gene Roddenberry designed the phaser to be a profitable children’s toy first, a Star Trek prop second. And the only reason the Klingons had a ship is…

  • Focus on the Product

    In light of the $20mm to $35mm sale (depending on who you’re reading) of Weblogs Inc to AOL many pithy words of wisdom are emerging about Jason Calacanis. So why shouldn’t I add one. In his what now? post, Jason tells the following Mark Cuban story: Mark Cuban (who’s the best investor you could ever…