Tag: profitability

  • Telstra and the National Broadband Network

    IF you believe mainstream media, Sol Trujillo is the most unpopular man in Australia and Telstra is the most unpopular company [full disclosure: I am the beneficiary of a Telstra shareholding]. I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven Telstra for its monopolistic behaviour back when it was Telecom and I didn’t have a choice of carriers.…

  • A&R Scandal: Tower Books’ Michael Rakusin Replies

    Michael Rakusin, Director of Tower Books replied to Charlie Rimmer‘s letter. I’ve emailed a request to reproduce Michael’s email here, but in the meantime you can read it at Susan Wyndham’s Undercover blog. That way the conversation can allow trackbacks around the blogosphere. I look forward to watching the fall-out in the industry over this.…

  • Angus & Robertson Scandal: Demands cash from 40% of suppliers

    Angus & Robertson sent a letter to 40% of their suppliers demanding cash payments and rebates as a condition of continued business. The scandal broke at Susan Wyndham‘s Undercover blog over at the Sydney Morning Herald, firstly in Bookshop chain puts bite on small publishers and then in more detail today A&R Dumps Books. A friend…

  • Theory of Constraints

    I got a question on my mention of Theory of Constraints (TOC) in an earlier post. As my factory production has reached capacity, my most critical goal is to introduce TOC into my production facility. I first heard of the Theory of Constraints in the book The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox.…

  • Retail KPI’s – the germination

    I’m developing a series of KPI’s for a retail operation. They own nine garden shed outlets and don’t currently track anything. It’s late and I’ve got a pile of notes, but I’ll document the process here. One of the key elements is avoid collecting useless data, and reward the collection of useful data that reinforces…