Category: Technology

  • MSN Clones update

    In response to a question on MSN Clones I’ve been using Pidgin for multiprotocal IM on Windows and Adium on Apple Mac’s. My kids still like aMSN and I like how easy it works for people who just want to connect to MSN buddies. However I have way too many people on Google-Talk to use…

  • Web Candy, add to Google button

    You may have noticed some buttons appearing in the sidebars. Yes I’ve finally joined the web candy crowd. They’re for voting for WealthEsteem on various blog toplists. I’m experimenting with directory listings and raising the profile of the blogs I write for or manage. Unless you’re reading this on a RSS aggregator or reader, in…

  • Nasty Javascript loop

    Today I also came across a nasty endless Javascript loop. This sucker can trap IE, Firefox and Opera in an endless loop requiring you to kill the application via task manager or kill the process if using one of the *nix. Javascript is really useful on the sites I regularly visit. But I’d like to…