I’ve been trying to evaluate this website to clarify my view of what it actually provides.
There were some interesting tools to help the technical side.
Anybody know of others are out there?
Update 6 October 2005
I am proud of the high sitescore I get on that site. It’s currently 8.4 out of 10 and the only real negative is a low popularity score. I’m not sure how they measure that, but I don’t do this to be popular, except maybe I’d post more often.
Oh they also hate the number of links I have but I disagree with them there.
3 responses to “Silktide SiteScore and others”
Hi, we have developed a new website awards system!
url is: http://www.webagogo.be/awards
maybe you like it…
Unfortunately Toby’s link to the webagogo awards fails. But the main webagogo domain has them there.
Or just visit http://www.webagogo.be 😉