I was interviewing for new distributors today. It was strange as I had my Queensland manager down to help. One interesting side-effect of the shuttle interviews was two correct answers to the same questions. But our answers were often diametrically opposed, even contradictory. How can this be?
One sign of maturity is recognising there is more than one correct answer to many questions. (Thanks Sim’)
The first answer that jumps into my head is often correct. The better answer often arrives second.
Being decisive is a powerful skill. Pausing to ask for the second correct answer generates extraodinary results.
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WealthEsteem.org :: Psychology of the Deal
A friend of mine, PaulZag (aka paulz, aka Dreamspinner) writes his own blog, and has been the person most responsible for helping me get over my reluctance to commit my thoughts and ramblings to a blog.
His writings make me think, and are quite often …