Casual Leasing 4 days

Well Thursay trading was not as great as the neighbours hoped. Only one out of four of us casual leasee’s had a good day. One poor person had $65 in sales for the day. Still it’s the second best trading day this week. And better yet we’ve covered the overhead for the week, with three more trading days to go. So the exercise will not leave us out of pocket.

Two themes come through talking to almost-customers. “It’s beautiful, but where will I put it?” is a common problem in homewares and decorator items. The other theme is husbands, boyfriends and other silly blokes talking their women out of buying the bloody things! This one has me steamed :p

Guys, never get between a woman and her retail therapy. This is unbiased advice from a man who will celebrate 20 years with the same woman next February. Now Nella is a lousy atypical female shopper. We are guaranteed to fight if I go shopping with her. But I know better than to tell her I know better than she does shopping. Especially while she’s doing the shopping. Double especially in front of a shop assistant.

Nella and I have similar values when it comes to discretionary doo-dads and dust catchers cluttering up our home. We’d rather go out to a restaurant with the money instead. Strange that I’m in the useless baubles business then.

I wish I had the time and resources to follow up on NigelW’s comment to do some flyers. I’m just too tired, my office is too far away and half of my staff are on holidays in Queensland.

2 responses to “Casual Leasing 4 days”

  1. a computer, a laser printer, one ream of coloured copy paper, a wordprocessor, 30 minutes design time (hell MSWord probably even has a template for an A4 folded in three flyer), 1 hour 40 mins printing time at 5 pages per minute. 2 1/2 hours folding time. ?4 hours delivery time. Easy for me to goad in my ivory tower 60 floors up…but how bad do you want it? What will it cost to ship the unsold pots back to the warehouse??? Just being the devil’s advocate.
    Hope sales pick up.

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