Author: Paul Zagoridis

  • The Right Thing

    I had a conversation with a staff member yesterday. We have a supplier who has a big problem with their outsourced warehouse operation, the outsourcers aren’t shipping product. We are awaiting delivery of 1,000 stuffed dogs and owe this supplier about $11,000 due at the end of this month (for product we already have). It…

  • Housing Bubble

    There is constant speculation in the media that the Australian Real Estate market is in a bubble. I swore off making economic predictions in 1992 when I retired the word Ecomonist from my CV. So don’t expect a lot of econometric data to support this post. I don’t think current capital city prices make sense…

  • On MBA’s

    In MBA’s, DBA’s and all Business degrees from B Bus to D Bus there are two conflicting forces. 1) In a university context there is a academic imperative which favours scholarly research, published papers and the number of PhD’s in the department. 2) Within the client context (students and sponsoring employers) there is a practical…

  • Casual Leasing – Wrap-up

    As I posted earlier Friday sales were a ripper. Saturday sales were 70% of Friday’s and quite good. Sunday was one sale short of being the third best day, so I tasted bitter disappointment. Daily Sales as a percentage of Total Sales Monday 5.1% Tuesday 13.5% Wednesday 8.6% Thursday 10.8% Friday 27.1% Saturday 22.6% Sunday…

  • Young and Foolish

    My friend Sim’ asked Paul, during your journey to earn a second fortune do you find yourself ever entertaining strategies that are similar to those which caused you to “foolishly misplace” the first? Are you the type of person who is naturally drawn to “wild schemes” and “flights of fancy”? Or was it more of…

  • Australian Real Estate Search Engine

    Michael Merlin over at has had another brainwave. The Australian Real Estate Search Engine searches multiple Australian Real Estate websites simultaneously, in an automated fashion. Michael is looking for volunteers to beta test the application shortly. I look forward to using it. Now if real estate agents would keep their listing information up-to-date it…

  • Q&A Time

    Given the traffic from search engines with rather strange questions, I thought I’d start a Q&A section. So ask a question as a comment to this post and I’ll post an answer if I can. Obviously, I’ll only to that if it’s relevant to WealthEsteem: The Psychology of the Deal type stuff. The current description…

  • Into Profit

    NigelW’s needling prompted me to action (I had to go to the office anyway). So I did 500 flyers. While Australia watched the Rugby, Nella and I distributed them in freezing drizzle. At least the Wallabies won. Friday sales were a ripper. I got caught out at the office for a few hours and Nella…

  • Casual Leasing 4 days

    Well Thursay trading was not as great as the neighbours hoped. Only one out of four of us casual leasee’s had a good day. One poor person had $65 in sales for the day. Still it’s the second best trading day this week. And better yet we’ve covered the overhead for the week, with three…

  • Casual Leasing 2 days

    Well Monday was a public holiday and while the shopping centre was apparently busy, sales were disappointing. We nearly covered the rent for the day, but we did setup and iron out some systems bugs. Other small retailers said trade was slow. I decided to stock up on a wider range of pots and homewares…