Year: 2003

  • Upgrade to WordPress 0.72b1

    We’ve upgraded to WordPress 0.72 beta1 to fix a couple of bugs that were annoying. As usual let me know if anything broke that I didn’t notice

  • Too much inventory

    In 1992 or so I read The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. It changed my business life and allowed Robert Kiyosaki to influence my world-view on work and investing. The Goal is written as a novel. The concepts emerge in the story. One point Goldratt made — inventory is not…

  • DNS is down

    If you can still see this page, congratulations, but you may not for long. DNS is the way the internet turns www.wealthesteem into an IP address. Anyway our nameserver in the US is down as is our secondary name server. So until they come back we and the other sites served from here are invisible.…

  • Technical Glitch

    We required a security update to the blog software. A transmission glitch meant the server gave blank pages for the last 4 hours. Sorry about that. It should be fixed now. As usual let us know if there is a problem.

  • Give it away

    There are interesting recent developments in the deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots in public areas in Australia and the US (and probably elsewhere but I haven’t got any references). Wi-Fi is wireless Local Area Networking — basically wireless Internet on laptops. In Too Cheap to Meter, over at VentureBlog, Naval Ravikant notes it’s more of a…

  • Let technology set you free

    I finally got to bed this morning at 2:30am. I figured if I was going to set up a RSS feed I might as well update the software that I run the blog on. There were a few glitches, hopefully none of you were online at that time to see them. Let me know if…

  • Using Technology

    I was an early adopter of email. As spam becomes an immense problem, I am looking at technology solutions to keep the signal-to-noise ratio acceptable. One way has been through clever spam filtering. The other is to explore RSS. If any of you are using the RSS feed from this site, please let me know…

  • Refocusing

    I have been looking very intensely at my business model recently. We’ve been doing business the same way for the last 10 years. I see my market has changed, but suspect we could soldier on for a while as smart and efficient operators. However is that the best use of my capital and time? Shouldn’t…

  • Nice Costs Money

    MicheleB challenged me to discuss the meaning of life among other things. I look forward to the smugness of owning half a suburb. Nella and I were talking about buying nice things while the kids are still young enough to enjoy them. “How about a house”, I said. So we went to check out some…

  • Sell 5265 BHP @ 9.84

    Well BHP is certainly powering along. But I need the money quickly and the change from Hartley’s to my new broker Tricom is going slow. So even though I think it has some legs I want out.